If you want to peer with me, please email to i at chihuo2104.dev (Please replace 'at' with '@') or DM matrix user @i:wbhh.moe to send your request.What you should know is that:1. If you are not familiar with me, please attach your GitHub profile link and your blog address to the request email.2. Due to the potential legal risks, I DO NOT accept peers with servers in China Mainland.3. You can only use WireGuard to peer with me now.4. It's suggested that you configure the peer to me before sending the request.5. Normally I'll accept your request but I reserve the rights of turing down your request.
ASN: AS4242421040DN42 IPv4: Local: fe80:1040Endpoint: suzume-seattle-us01.dn42-endpoints.chihuo2104.devTunnel: WireGuardWireguard Port: the last 5 digits of your ASNWireguard Public Key: xawAQWIjEH+xxICAQSc4Y3LoMTAlOz9n6odJnphIf1E=Extend next hop: Not SupportedMP-BGP: SupportedLocation: Seattle,WA
What's this page about?
It's a infomation page about a private AS running on dn42.
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This page is written in English. You can take advantage of translation applications if there is a language problem and ChatGPT if there is a technological question.